Crítica en torno a la representación fílmica de la publicidad y el consumo: un caso del cine español


  • Jorge David Fernández Gómez Universidad de Sevilla
  • Jesús Jiménez Varea Universidad de Sevilla


advertising, consumption, cinema, Juan Antonio Bardem, ideology


Consumption and advertising are closely related phenomena within modern society, so films, as reflections of the reality in which they are made, cannot help portraying them. The following essay attempts to cope with this subject in a phase previous to its current degrees of development and competency. To that end, the authors have chosen a Spanish film that depicts such matters in specially explicit way because of the critical message it conveys.


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How to Cite

Gómez, J. D. F., & Varea, J. J. (2006). Crítica en torno a la representación fílmica de la publicidad y el consumo: un caso del cine español. Global Media Journal México, 3(6), 161–173. Retrieved from


