Estudios y aplicaciones integradas de comunicación para el desarrollo organizacional


  • Katia Muñoz Vásquez Universidad de Viña del Mar


organizational communication, theoretical and practical, organization


The top of the communication ladder has been determined at the hour of creating the organizations in the last decades, which has permitted to amend the development of diverse denominations related to communication within the organizational atmosphere as well as the designations of the roles and functions of the professional in charge of the particular subject. This chapter reflects the principal theoretical input of the Administration School up to the point of transition to an application scenario, with a practical prospective, leaving evidence of contribution of the organizational communication at the achievements of the organizational objectives.


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How to Cite

Vásquez, K. M. (2021). Estudios y aplicaciones integradas de comunicación para el desarrollo organizacional. Global Media Journal México, 3(5), 84–98. Retrieved from


