Muchos oyen, pero pocos escuchan: El papel de los medios en la formación de la opinión pública y la realidad


  • Marcos Sebastián Pérez Peña Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


mass media, public opinion, journalism, reality


Berelson exposed in 1954, referred to the way society gather information through media, that “many hear but few listen”. Audience is inattentive, and media decides more and more the things that are important, impossing what society must think of, and consequently what to think. Public opinion becomes, in this way, a simplifying device, a reduction of social attention to a few common issues, defining the frames political debates are settle in. Therefore, media construct the reality every individual percieves. Of course, it exists an objective reality, but what derives from the simplified images broadcasted for media is the reality just as people really experiment it. Or, for example, just as the famous Robert Mankoff’s strip in the Saturday Review said: “if a tree falls down in the forest and media are not there to tell it, ¿does it really fall?”. Media and journalists must be concious of their role in nowadays world, and society must seize tools and skills to counteract the fabulous power of media.


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How to Cite

Peña, M. S. P. (2006). Muchos oyen, pero pocos escuchan: El papel de los medios en la formación de la opinión pública y la realidad. Global Media Journal México, 3(5), 134–146. Retrieved from


