Cómo la ficción consume las series: Radionovelas, telenovelas y la narrativa latinoamericana contemporánea


  • Lidia Santos Yale University


soap opera, Latin-American literature, narrative genre, critic theory, melodrama


This article examines the reciprocal relationship between soap operas and Latin-American literature, which success in Latin-American soap operas, both domestically and foreign, lead fiction writers to consider them as competition in the narrative genre. For critic theory, the genre challenges theoretical paradigms. The article starts summarizing the universally and particularly criticized theories about melodrama, from which soap opera redaction derivates. Contemporary Latin-American fiction writers’ interpretations of soap opera are shown, emphasizing the way they found to make from his competitors an experimental tool.


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How to Cite

Santos, L. (2004). Cómo la ficción consume las series: Radionovelas, telenovelas y la narrativa latinoamericana contemporánea. Global Media Journal México, 1(2), 32–40. Retrieved from https://gmjmexico.uanl.mx/index.php/GMJ_EI/article/view/134


