La construcción mediática de la clonación humana como un problema de política científica


  • Miguel Alcíbar Cuello Universidad de Sevilla


communication, journalism, persuasion, politic


This article analyzes the informative coverage done by Spanish diary El País, between December 2002 and January 2003, about the public debate generated by the announce of the Raëlianos sect about the cloning of a healthy girl. This news revived polemics about human cloning, which most recent origin must be searched in the Dolly case. If in the debate around the cloning of a sheep, Dolly, the media rapidly associated its creation with given cultural assumptions, which derived into a hole discussion to the hypothetic –but plausible– field of human cloning and into ethic problems that the possibility raised; in the Raëlianos case, El País built the controversy as a fundamentally scientific policy problem. Its objective was persuading the politics’ responsibles to advocating soft legislations that firmly favour and support the investigation with embryonic mother cells for therapeutic purposes. To reach the objective, the newspaper used scientific sources selected ad hoc and a varied repertory of well defined rhetoric strategies.


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How to Cite

Alcíbar Cuello, M. (2004). La construcción mediática de la clonación humana como un problema de política científica. Global Media Journal México, 1(2), 170–191. Retrieved from


