La publicidad como herramienta de las distintas modalidades de comunicación persuasiva


  • Juan Carlos Rodríguez Centeno Universidad de Sevilla


publicity, persuasive communication, commercial communication, propaganda, social campaigns


Every time we refer to publicity, we almost automatically associate it to terms such as sale, commerce or marketing. Although it’s true that most of advertising to which we expose through different media pursue the promotion of products and services, their consumption or hiring, it is also true that a minimal part of these claims are free of commercial intentions. For example ¿what does a government-financed ad sells if it tries to make citizens aware of using seatbelts to prevent serious damages if a car accident occur? ¿What does a political candidate sells by launching a slogan? These and other cases are “non-sale” ads, however are forms of advertising. This article tries to delimit, distinguish and define the fields of publicity, as a tool or vehicle to the service of diverse persuasive communication modalities: commercial communication, public relationships, propaganda, and social campaigns.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Centeno, J. C. (2004). La publicidad como herramienta de las distintas modalidades de comunicación persuasiva. Global Media Journal México, 1(1), 17–25. Retrieved from


