El tráfico de drogas y la delincuencia organizada en medios mexicanos de distinto alcance y sector


  • Frida V. Rodelo Universidad de Guadalajara


journalism, print media, newscasts, mass media and violence, drug trafficking, content analysis


The aim of the study was to determine how the macro-theme of drug trafficking and organized crime is covered in the Mexican news media, as well as to establish the similarities and differences between contents of news media outlets of varying nature and reach. The results suggest that, in general, reports about police and crime are predominant, and within these, reports about individual events are the most common. In particular, the selected local newspaper devoted a higher proportion of news reports to seizures and a lesser proportion to context, international cooperation and victims than the newspaper with a broader reach; the selected television newscast devoted a higher proportion of reports to seizures and violent crimes and a lesser proportion to context, declarations and victims than the selected newspaper with broader reach. It is concluded that, despite drug trafficking and organized crime in Mexico being complex, multifactorial and historically-rooted problems, the national news media tend to publish and broadcast a higher proportion of news reports about police and crime topics, particularly about individual police-related events.


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How to Cite

Rodelo, F. V. (2014). El tráfico de drogas y la delincuencia organizada en medios mexicanos de distinto alcance y sector. Global Media Journal México, 11(21), 50–66. Retrieved from https://gmjmexico.uanl.mx/index.php/GMJ_EI/article/view/174


