Industria musical, televisión y producción audiovisual. Veinte años de interacción mediática en el mercado musical español (1980-2000)


  • Eduardo Viñuela Universidad de Oviedo


video clip, music, industry, television, Spain



 The evolution of Spanish music videos has been influenced by the development of the television system and the music industry. The history of this new audiovisual genre illustrates the adaptation of the economic structures from the dictatorship period to those of the international context. This article demonstrates the existence of other “transitions”, parallel to the political process, that were highly significant for the social and economic growth of the country. The process of consolidation of music video is a good example of the synergy between markets and the coordination of different industrial quarters meant to aim at a new target in the music business. 


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How to Cite

Viñuela, E. (2013). Industria musical, televisión y producción audiovisual. Veinte años de interacción mediática en el mercado musical español (1980-2000). Global Media Journal México, 4(7), 101–111. Retrieved from


