Del uso lingüístico a la interpretación de textos periodísticos. Una hermenéutica de la noticia


  • Yamile Haber Guerra CEDIC, Universidad de Oriente


journalistic discourse, journalistic language, interpretation, newsworthiness


On the one hand is the actual journalistic text, on the other is its meaning and interpretation; on the one hand is the event of note, on the other is the event’s image that is delivered to us by the language. What is in the stake is not the understanding of the journalistic language, but the interpretation of the fact-new by means of the language Nowadays, the journalistic discourse issue goes beyond the news classic ‘what?’, ‘who?’, ‘when?’, ‘where?’, ‘why?’ and ‘what for?’ in order to attempt to answer: ‘(of) whom (is) and (to) whom (is)?’; ‘since when and until when?’; ‘from where and up to where?’ 


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How to Cite

Guerra, Y. H. (2013). Del uso lingüístico a la interpretación de textos periodísticos. Una hermenéutica de la noticia. Global Media Journal México, 4(7), 119–126. Retrieved from


