The Domestication of Terrorism: 9/11 and the War In Iraq In Newspapers From Montreal, Canada


  • Gabriela Gomez Rodríguez Universidad de Guadalajara



terrorism, domestication, The Gazette, La Presse, newspapers, Canada, interpretative repertoires


This article analyzes the ‘domestication’ of terrorism in Montreal’s most relevant newspapers: The Gazette (Anglophone) and La Presse (French-speaking). Through the use of interpretive repertoires, the paper discusses how the terrorism acts of 9/11, 2001 and their aftermath (War in Iraq, 2003) were “domesticated” (turned into local issues) and articulated to a social imaginary. This allowed the exploration of the cultural appropiation of terrorism by two contrasting cultural groups in Montreal.


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How to Cite

Gomez Rodríguez, G. (2015). The Domestication of Terrorism: 9/11 and the War In Iraq In Newspapers From Montreal, Canada. Global Media Journal México, 12(23), 49–68.