Exhibición y programación cinematográfica en León, México desde la perspectiva de la Nueva Historia del Cine (1940 A 1970)


  • Jaime Miguel González Chávez Universidad De La Salle, Bajío
  • Efraín Delgado Rivera Universidad De La Salle, Bajío
  • Joel Ortega Contreras Centro Universitario Incarnate Word, Mexico
  • Philippe Meers University of Antwerp




new cinema history, social history of cinema in Mexico, cinema in León, exhibition and cinematographic programming


This research is part of the New Cinema History approach (Maltby, Biltereyst y Meers, 2011). It describes the programming and cinematographic showing between the 40’s and the 70’s in León, one of the 10 most important urban centers in Mexico. Methodologically it is a replica of the original Flanders project (Biltereyst y Meers, 2007). The research is supported by in-depth interviews, archival work and billboards. It offers an analysis of the social role of the cinematographic culture as a result of tensions between commercial and ideological forces, interacting with the processes of urbanization and modernity. In León’s case, the consumption of national and foreign films shows a correlation in the audiences according to the economic gap, especially during the transformation process from rural to urban city.


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Author Biography

Jaime Miguel González Chávez, Universidad De La Salle, Bajío

Profesor Investigador de la Facultad de Comunicación y Mercadotecnia.

Doctor en Ciencias y Humanidades (Universdidad De Coahuila/Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)


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How to Cite

González Chávez, J. M., Delgado Rivera, E., Ortega Contreras, J., & Meers, P. (2019). Exhibición y programación cinematográfica en León, México desde la perspectiva de la Nueva Historia del Cine (1940 A 1970). Global Media Journal México, 16(30), 28–44. https://doi.org/10.29105/gmjmx16.30-2