Exhibición y programación cinematográfica en Monterrey, México de 1922 a 1962: un estudio de caso desde la perspectiva de la “Nueva historia del cine”


  • José Carlos Lozano Rendón Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Daniel Biltereyst Universidad de Gante, Bélgica
  • Lorena Frankenberg Universidad Metropolitana de Monterrey
  • Philippe Meers Universidad de Amberes
  • Lucila Hinojosa Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


new cinema history, cinema, cinematographic programming


Inspired in the new cinema history perspective, and with the objective of providing a case study from a location outside of the United States and Europe to contrast findings and refine assertions about social, cultural and economic factors influencing the supply and consumption of films, this paper discusses the exhibition and programming of motion pictures from 1922 to 1962 in Monterrey, Mexico, the third largest city in the country. Through archival research and the programming schedules of daily newspapers of the epoch, the study explores the way in which sites for film exhibition were situated in this highly industrialized Mexican city, geographically close to the United States and the historical evolution of their programming during that period. Using data on the number of cinemas in the different parts of the city and the origin of 12,462 films exhibited during 52 days of each of the 5 years in the sample, the paper discusses the historical presence of Hollywood films in the city, the boom and decline in the exhibition of national films during the 1940s and 1950s, and the historical increase and decrease in the number and characteristics of cinema venues...


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How to Cite

Rendón, J. C. L., Biltereyst, D., Frankenberg, L., Meers, P., & Hinojosa, L. (2013). Exhibición y programación cinematográfica en Monterrey, México de 1922 a 1962: un estudio de caso desde la perspectiva de la “Nueva historia del cine”. Global Media Journal México, 9(18), 73–94. Retrieved from https://gmjmexico.uanl.mx/index.php/GMJ_EI/article/view/37


