Working for the love of art: labour precariousness as a form of violence against journalists in Mexico




journalism, labour precariousness, anti-press violence, Mexico, corruption


Aggressions against the press are not limited to assassinations, beatings, or kidnappings. On the contrary, in countries such as Mexico, media staff face increasing risks like threats, smear campaigns, or digital espionage. Despite the diversity of assaults, labour precariousness as a form of violence against journalists has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse Mexican news workers’ perceptions on the adverse conditions under which they work on a daily basis. Drawing on a set of semi-structured interviews with active journalists located in the 23 most dangerous states of the country, the findings indicate that their precarious labour conditions hinder their journalistic duties, which are fostering elite groups accountability, and citizens’ right to know. In addition, the origin of this situation can be found in the organizations they work for, whose owners privilege their own economic interests over those strictly journalistic.


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Author Biography

Rubén Arnoldo González Macías, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Profesor Asisitente, Departamento de Mercadotecnia y Comunicación


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How to Cite

González Macías, R. A., & Cepeda Robledo, D. A. (2021). Working for the love of art: labour precariousness as a form of violence against journalists in Mexico. Global Media Journal México, 18(34), 209–228.