Fact-checking in Spanish

Verification practices and technological tools against the infodemic





fact-checking platforms, disinformation, democracy, post-truth, infodemic


The viralization of deliberately false content has a negative impact on the pillars of democracy and represents an increasing problem for today's societies. These information disorders increased their presence during the COVID-19 health crisis, which justifies the critical observation we propose. This study analyzes forty-eight verification platforms that publish their content in Spanish in order to learn about the procedures and tools they put into practice to deal with disinformation and fake news. A content analysis of each website was carried out and the data was triangulated with surveys sent to people responsible for fact-checking initiatives in Latin America and Spain. The results indicate that the fight against misinformation occurs predominantly in the digital territory and is often uneven. However, it is clear from the responses of those surveyed that technological tools are also essential allies in combating the infodemic.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Leticia Quintana Pujalte, Universidad de Málaga

Doctora en Comunicación con Mención Internacional (UMA-España), investigadora en las líneas de comunicación política, desinformación y fake news, ciberactivismo, estudios sobre framing y opinión pública. Personal de investigación contratado en la UMA, autora de artículos científicos y capítulos de libro.

María Florencia Pannunzio, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Doctora en Comunicación (UNLP-Arg). Licenciada en Comunicación Social (UNNE-Arg). Investigadora del Centro de Estudios Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) en temáticas de juventudes, participación y apropiación de tecnologías digitales. Docente en las cátedras Teorías de la comunicación social 1 e Investigación en comunicación de la Licenciatura en comunicación social (Facultad de Humanidades, UNNE). Email: florencia.pannunzio@comunidad.unne.edu.ar


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How to Cite

Quintana Pujalte, A. L., & Pannunzio, M. F. (2022). Fact-checking in Spanish: Verification practices and technological tools against the infodemic. Global Media Journal México, 19(36), 56–85. https://doi.org/10.29105/gmjmx19.36-468