Hashtag activism and the disputes over social sense on Twitter

The case of the decriminalization of abortion in Colombia





hashtag activism, publics, counter-publics, decriminalization of abortion, Colombia


Digital platforms provide feminist groups with the opportunity to propose agendas that aim to make visible the disputes over women's sexual and reproductive rights, sexism, misogyny, and gender-based violence. Although some of their struggles receive significant support online, others, such as the decriminalization of abortion, produce reactions from opposing sectors, generating a dynamic of confrontation in the virtual space. Twitter is the main network where the different social groups fight for the redefinition of social processes. A tool commonly used in these discursive battles is the hashtag, giving rise to the so-called hashtag activism. Using data from Twitter, we demonstrate how these groups use the hashtag for such purposes, and we examine how they activated the issue of the decriminalization of abortion in Colombia. The results suggest that, in the digital environment, the active use of the hashtag illustrates the meaning-making processes that occur when various sectors compete to discursively define social problems in the virtual space. In this way, the research contributes to the literature that suggests that social networks are a fundamental instance in the dispute over social meanings.


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How to Cite

López Robles, A. (2022). Hashtag activism and the disputes over social sense on Twitter: The case of the decriminalization of abortion in Colombia. Global Media Journal México, 19(36), 148–169. https://doi.org/10.29105/gmjmx19.36-473