The memes on Facebook as a citizen response to the violence crisis in Guerrero




violence, memes, politics, Facebook, discourse analysis


The target of this work is to analyze the representation of violence in memes created and shared on Facebook in the context of the armed attacks against transporters that occurred from July 8 to 11, 2023, in the city of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico. Such events paralyzed the city and created a climate of terror, leading to the closure of schools and businesses, as well as the self-confinement of the population. These contents, beyond the humorous sense attributed to them, act as a semiotic space that can make visible the regional violence and its associated problems, such as corruption, impunity, and ungovernability. Discourse analysis is revisited as a theoretical-methodological perspective from a multimodal approach, with a corpus consisting of ten static images that proliferated on this social network during that period. This allowed an understanding of how meanings were constructed, as well as the prominent elements in each of these materials during a moment of crisis like the one experienced in this territory. These findings account for the use of memes as a form of protest and expression of discontent, also helping to understand the influence of violence in the political and social context of Chilpancingo.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Rivera, D. M., Molina Gama, A., Quintero Romero, D. M., & Sánchez Rivera, L. E. (2024). The memes on Facebook as a citizen response to the violence crisis in Guerrero. Global Media Journal México, 21(40), 58–85.