The National and the Global in the Performance of the Media During the COVID-19 Infodemic

The Case of Argentina




COVID-19, infodemic, global media, public evaluation, public knowledge


In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, international organizations and researchers denounced that the spread of “false” news about the disease and its struggle had epidemic effects itself. This discovery triggered the suggestion that the news and communication networks which provide sensitive information about the health crisis could be considered as public goods, with the aim of counteracting the so-called “infodemic”. In this article we are going to critically analyze this suggestion, based on a normative evaluation of the role of the media in the Argentine case, and carrying out a public opinion survey on the performance of the media and other actors. During the pandemic, the results of which are presented. In the conclusion, I identify a tension between the claims of global standardized information and the functions of the media within the national framework of democracies, which is expressed both in the conceptual analysis and in the evaluations of the public.


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How to Cite

Burdman, J. (2021). The National and the Global in the Performance of the Media During the COVID-19 Infodemic: The Case of Argentina. Global Media Journal México, 17(33), 139–154.