La actualidad en YouTube: claves de los vídeos más vistos durante un mes


  • José Patricio Pérez Rufi Universidad de Málaga


YouTube, audiences


The object of this research is to identify the preferences in terms of visits of YouTube users within a specific timeframe, creating highly topical subjects in this online video sharing site. The specific goal of this article was to classify the site content according to the most viewed videos in a month. This allowed the researcher to define the profile of the most frequent users and the keys of their elections. Simultaneously, based on these results, it is expected to be able to identify future trends and dynamics of both the users and the channel. The conclusions of this research highlight the user’s preference for professional clips with a simultaneous distribution through other media. It addition, a growth in views is emphasized for clips produced by users with more than a million followers.


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How to Cite

Rufi, J. P. P. (2013). La actualidad en YouTube: claves de los vídeos más vistos durante un mes. Global Media Journal México, 9(17), 44–62. Retrieved from


