Street Food Latinoamérica: Netflix contribution to the construction of cosmopolitan and transnational imaginaries
transnationalization, Netflix, documentary, imaginaries, cosmopolitan, multimodal discourse analysisAbstract
Between 2019 and 2020 Netflix ventured into the street food genre through two documentary series, dedicated respectively to Asia and Latin America. Both productions joined the catalog that the platform distributes in more than 180 countries, in addition to venturing into a genre present in traditional and digital media. Unlike these contents, Netflix gave its productions a cosmopolitan trait, a product of the transnational character that has characterized the company's activities. This article presents the results of an analysis of the multimodal discourse carried out on the six documentaries on street food in Latin America, exploring their contribution to the construction of the transnational and cosmopolitan imaginaries characteristic of these gastronomic adventures. The work consists of four parts. In the first, the construction of transnationalization is presented, which gives rise to the construction of imaginaries; the second offers a characterization of the documentary in the framework of the construction of symbolic representations. The third part characterizes the Multimodal Discourse Analysis and its application to the object of study. The last part presents the conclusions of the analysis, accompanied by a reflection on the role of Netflix in the construction of transnational and cosmopolitan imaginaries.
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How to Cite
Global Media Journal México, publicación semestral, editada por el Departamento de Psicología y Comunicación de Texas A&M International University, Laredo, Texas, Estados Unidos; y la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México. Editores responsables: Dr. José Carlos Lozano y Dr. Francisco Javier Martínez Garza. Datos de contactos:, tel. (956) 326-3117 y, teléfono (81) 83294000, Ext. 7710 y 7711. Reserva de derechos al uso exclusivo número 04 – 2017- 080814012900- 203, expedido por la Dirección de Reservas de Derechos del Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. ISSN: 2007-2031. El editor no necesariamente comparte el contenido de los artículos, ya que son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores. Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial del contenido, ilustraciones y textos publicados en este número sin la previa autorización que por escrito emita el editor.