¿Smart is the new sexy? Reivindicación del nerd en la televisión


  • Roberto Ruiz Ruiz Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Tania Lucía Cobos Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Atziri Abril Espinosa Cruz Tecnológico de Monterrey


culture studies, television series, gender, product placement, stereotype


This paper examins, under the Cultural Studies perspective, the results of a content analysis of the first season of the sitcom The Big Bang Theory with the following objectives: to identify whether the nerd and the “dumb blonde” stereotypes persist or if there are variations in the way these are presented, to determine the role gender plays in such classification, and to identify the role technology brands or product placements play in it. The results show a slight variation of the above mentioned stereotypes, a corroboration of the roles traditionally attributed to each gender and the role of technology brands in the reaffirmation of the characters’ identity.


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How to Cite

Ruiz, R. R., Cobos, T. L., & Cruz, A. A. E. (2013). ¿Smart is the new sexy? Reivindicación del nerd en la televisión. Global Media Journal México, 9(17), 110–134. Retrieved from https://gmjmexico.uanl.mx/index.php/GMJ_EI/article/view/46


