Siempre Mujer, Latina y Cosmopolitan en Español. Estado de las Revistas Femeninas para Hispanas en Estados Unidos
Hispanic media, magazines, gender, femininity, Latin womanAbstract
Since the late nineties, the U.S. has witnessed a boom in Hispanic communication media, a growth which is consistent with the constant and accelerated increase in the population of Hispanic descent, which currently constitutes 15.5% of the total. Consequently, Latin mass media have been growing, as evidenced by the group of publications targeted to Hispanic women, where several lifestyle magazines which identify them as a preferred audience have been made available in the market. The objective of this article is to analyze said magazines in order to identify the type of featured content, and consequently, determine the concept of femininity (and of Hispanic womanhood, in particular) that is ultimately presented in media conceived for them, in theory. Spanish, English and bilingual media targeting Hispanic women are analyzed, and the selected magazines for this study are those which specifically define as part of their mission statement to present a lifestyle to their readers.
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How to Cite
Global Media Journal México, publicación semestral, editada por el Departamento de Psicología y Comunicación de Texas A&M International University, Laredo, Texas, Estados Unidos; y la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México. Editores responsables: Dr. José Carlos Lozano y Dr. Francisco Javier Martínez Garza. Datos de contactos:, tel. (956) 326-3117 y, teléfono (81) 83294000, Ext. 7710 y 7711. Reserva de derechos al uso exclusivo número 04 – 2017- 080814012900- 203, expedido por la Dirección de Reservas de Derechos del Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. ISSN: 2007-2031. El editor no necesariamente comparte el contenido de los artículos, ya que son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores. Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial del contenido, ilustraciones y textos publicados en este número sin la previa autorización que por escrito emita el editor.