Por una comunicología compleja





complex communicology, social conflicts, social order, crisis, complex protectorate


The recent history of “the Sciences of communication” registers several efforts to constitute a communicology able to account for its subject of study from the perspective of a unified science from one or more of its dimensions. Meanwhile, other disciplines have broken with reductionist paradigms to embark on a new phase in which they construct and address their problems as complex. The document, written as an essay, develops a foundational proposal for a communicology of the complexity from so-called “complex thought” as natural disciplines practice it. The first section describes the properties of the complexity interesting to the discussion. Then, the text relates the proposed science to social conflicts since they permeate the space of communication, and because the approximation to the nature of this, allows the study of the formal order of such disputes. Therefore, the proposal insists on the need to institutionalize communicology as a social and not just as a communicational one.


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How to Cite

Becerra Villegas, J. (2019). Por una comunicología compleja. Global Media Journal México, 15(29), 87–109. https://doi.org/10.29105/gmjmx15.29-6